Legal Framework
- Portuguese Civil Code (PCC)
- Executive-Law no 272/2001
- Portuguese Civil Registration Code
- Portuguese Civil Procedure Code
Competent Authority
Two types depending on circumstances:
- Civil Registrar (for consensual divorce when certain conditions are met)
- Courts (for contentious divorce and consensual divorce when conditions for civil registrar are not met)
Access Requirements
For Civil Registrar divorce:
Both spouses must agree to divorce, also on:
- Exercise of parental responsibilities
- Maintenance of spouse in need
- Allocation of family home
- Future treatment of pets
For Court divorce:
Required when:
- One spouse does not consent (unilateral divorce)
- Spouses fail to reach agreement on any of the required matters for administrative divorce
- Judicial Divorce
- Administrative Divorce (before Civil Registrar):
- Application signed by spouses or attorneys submitted to civil registry office (must include required agreements and documentary evidence)
- Civil registrar informs about family mediation services
- Civil registrar verifies requirements and assesses agreements
– If minor children involved, agreement sent to Public Prosecutor for verification
– If agreements not approved, case sent to court