Legal Framework
- Civil Code (CC) entered into force on 1 October 2011
- Civil Procedure Code (CPC)
- Notaries Law (LNP)
Competent Authority
Three options depending on circumstances:
- Courts: For contentious divorces
- Notaries: For consensual divorces (including cases with minor children)
- Civil Status Office: For consensual divorces without minor children and without property division
Access Requirements
For notarial divorce:
- Both spouses must be adults, competent and present
- Request of divorce by agreement
- Must address territorially competent notary
For Civil Status Office divorce:
- Both spouses must be adults, competent and present
- Request of divorce by agreement
- No minor children
- No agreement on matrimonial assets
- Must address territorially competent civil status office
- Notarial Divorce:
- 30 days reflection time required
- When minor children involved:
- draft agreement on parental responsibility
- notary notifies tutelary authority
- social inquiry report required
- child aged 10+ must be heard
- Civil Status Office Divorce:
- Personal appearance or representation with authentic power of attorney
- 30 days reflection period – Must appear personally after reflection period to confirm
- Court Divorce:
- Can decide on all ancillary matters
- Only courts can award damages to blameless spouse